For your convenience, our most common questions are answered right here.

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  • Q: Did you get to meet the President at the State of the Union?
  • A: Yes, after the speech, President Obama and I shook hands as I expressed my appreciation for his stance on bullying and education.
  • Q: How did you get to the State of the Union?
  • A: Representative McGovern graciously brought me as a guest for my Outreach and Interfaith work with  He, along with many other Democrat leaders, selected Muslims as their guests to send a message to some of the Republican candidates  that we Muslims are vital members of society who make this great nation stronger
  • Q: You attended the Democrat Muslim Caucus in Philadelphia?
  • A: Yes, it was a great experience allowing me to meet many of the nation’s Muslim leaders.  We have the numbers to make up a considerable voting bloc.  We will be heard if we speak with one voice.